Circulating Fake vaccines It Should Parents should understand

Circulating Fake vaccines It Should Parents Note & Do. In the month of June 2016 Indonesia digemparkan health world with the arrest of Fake Vaccine Makers and Dealers. The perpetrator is a married couple is Hidayat Taufiqurahman and Rita Agustina, both indicted for falsifying Toddlers vaccine they produce and sell. Both does not move when the Special Economic Crime Investigator Criminal Investigation Police arrested them on Wednesday (06.22.2016) at 21:00 pm. ( of the baby must have been created alarmed by this news, It is absolutely perceived by parents as suspicious whether the vaccine has been given to the baby is false Vaccine Production suspects. From the news circulated actors practicing this forgery has reached 10 years. Then what should we do as parents to address this, the following info-Azzam share information in order to assure that the baby we do not consume vaccine False.

1. Open the child's immunization record book.Every baby is immunized definitely have notes or a basic immunization schedule, this is so as a preliminary guide when our children immunized.2. Call the hospital / doctor / health center / mid point of our children immunized.Cross-check kepihak immunization provider is one of the important things to give us certainty whether a given real or fake vaccine. Ask how the procedures related parties obtain the vaccine product and how they perform the procedure even safe vaccine delivery methods, to strengthen our judgment whether the information provided is correct.3. Monitor always news related cases of fraud.Information is now very easy for us mdapatkan as a material to determine which case is currently ongoing.4. The notion of information and Fake First Vaccine difference.To determine whether the vaccine is fake or not is a simple thing if our children get fake vaccines in general body has not received the vaccine immunity and make it to the hospital / clinic where the child was given immunizations.5. Consult with your pediatrician.Consultation kepihak one is sure about this vaccine is the doctors and the hospitals therefore proceed with your curiosity to see your pediatrician and consult was it. Already we know many doctors or hospitals certainly working with vaccine maker manufacturer in Indonesia, a minimum of the doctors will mention brands or name of the manufacturer of the vaccine. Do a minimal check on the internet to find out information on the vaccine manufacturer, the next step if necessary, make contact with the company related to issues emerging yaknik circulation of the fake vaccine.6. Perform repeated immunization for our children.As parents we give our best when we are still not sure whether our child victims consume fake vaccines, please consult with your pediatrician to do Imunisa repeated against the baby. It is definitely set up more funds to do this, do it for the good of your child.The government surely will not stay silent with circulating fake vaccine in the shade institutions such as hospitals, both private or government, we as citizens are entitled to certainty about this. Hopefully we are all children get the best. Both the information and surely is the First vaccine for the health of our baby.Updates are always informed of Info_Azzam I hope this information is useful for all of us.

Source:, wartakota,


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