How to Overcome Bad Breath In Children

How to Overcome Bad Breath In Children. The smell of the mouth of the baby is a sign that showed the presence of oral health problems in the child. Just as we adults, children consume food and drink intake can cause bad breath.Bad breath at a glance understanding of the world of medicine is bad breath halitosis is caused by the bacteria in the mouth. The main components of the bacteria that cause bad breath are hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan.As a parent should recognize and know what causes bad breath and how to overcome them.The cause of bad breath in children may include:

1. The Network Support on dental disease2. The flow of saliva less3. The rest of the food was left on the gum pocket4. The number of bacteria on the tongue5. Disorders of the digestive child6. Consume Certain drugs7. The existence of fillings in teeth that are not appropriate8. Systemic Disease9. In Infants often insert fingers or other objects that are not clean.

In the case of toddlers often encountered infant insert foreign objects into the mouth and we did not ascertain whether these objects are free of bacterial contamination or not. Maybe you've seen babies "Spit".
It is a liquid that is mixed with the enzyme digestion which came out back in through the mouth and can cause bad breath in bayi.Mungkin some of the above is the natural child and instrumental causes of bad breath.

How to cope with bad breath Among others:1. Stimulating the flow of saliva in the mouth of the intake coming from fruits and vegetables buahan.dan reproduce drinking mineral water.

2. Train and get children to be diligent in brushing your teeth at least two times a day, during the morning and going ahead tidur.Ciptakan atmosphere fun and do it so that children become cheerful and eager to do so.

3. Reduce consumption of sweet foods, as it could potentially cause cavities.

4. If your child consume milk performed before or after sleep, then get used to give water / mineral water afterwards.

5. Routine Dental hygiene inspection at the doctor at least 6 months, especially for cleaning Coral Dental.

6. fillings in cavities.

7. If your child has a systemic disease or gastrointestinal disorders should take the medicine regularly consult experts on specific action be taken immediately.

Other things that are no less important is to provide role models and share stories about the importance of maintaining oral hygiene as one of the learning process. Children Recognize our daily behavior is mainly related to activities with oragan mouth and teeth. Bad breath will make things that limit the child's activities together with his friends. Kids are the most beautiful grace that God gives to every family therefore do well for him with the foundation of compassion and love.
Stay Update all the information for your baby in the Info-Azzam Hopefully Helpful.



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