Top Danger For Baby Not On Immunization.

Top Danger For Baby Not On Immunization. Immunization is to give the vaccine into the body of the baby with the aim of increasing their infant tubah immunity against some deadly disease in infants. Because children are the grace that God gives to every parent baseball Many parents bring their children to the place of immunization such as hospitals, integrated health, clinic because a lot of things, fear of fever one of them. Very Unfortunate in the era of health is already very advanced as it is today there are patterns of thinking parents who still wrong only because she would not see her fever headache post-immunization. Sebagain initial information to the parents, the baby's body heat or fever is early evidence that the process of immunization to infants succeed where the body of the baby in the process of strengthening immunity.

In the health world sakali often encountered many victims died because the baby does not get imnunisasi. In this instance the case then penyesalanlah to be there for the parents. Parents are still many who are not informed about the main danger for babies who do not diimunisasi.adalah information about the main danger is not immunized infants:

1. The baby will have the potential for exposure to tuberculosisTB (Tuberculosis, abbreviated Tbc), or TB (short for "tubercle bacillus") is a contagious disease that is common, and in many cases lethal. The disease is caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis (abbreviated as "MTB" or "MTbc"). Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other body parts. Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person with active TB infection cough, sneeze, or spit granules spread them through the air. Infection generally asimtomatikdan latent TB. However, only one in ten latent infections progressing to active disease. If tuberculosis is not treated then more than 50% of people infected could die. The vaccine must be given to infants is BCG vaccine (Calmette Guerin Basil.)

2. Will be Affected Infants HepatitisHepatitis is an inflammation of the liver due to toxins, such as chemicals or drugs or agents that cause infections. Hepatitis that lasts less than 6 months is called "acute hepatitis", hepatitis lasting more than 6 months are called "chronic hepatitis". Hepatitis usually occurs because of a virus, especially one of five hepatitis viruses, A, B, C, D or E. Hepatitis can also occur due to other viral infections, such as infectious mononucleosis, yellow fever and other viral infections-sitomegalovirus.Virus to cause hepatitis: Virus Mumps, Rubella Virus, Virus Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Herpes virus. Given the ferocity of the disease that caused the baby must be complete this virus for vaccine delivery that is 4 times.

3. Will be Affected Infants PolioPoliomyelitis, or polio, is a paralysis or paralytic illness caused by a virus. Agents of the disease, a virus called poliovirus (PV), enters the body through the mouth, intestinal tract mengifeksi. The virus can enter the bloodstream and flows to the central nervous system causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis (paralysis). This vaccine has become a particular concern pemerintan health ministry for the simultaneous freeing Indonesia POLIO free.Above is an example of malignant disease that can be caused by incomplete immunization in children, and many other diseases that can be generated include:4. Babies exposed Tetanus5. Can Babies exposed Difetri6. Infants Exposed Brain Inflammation Tunica7. Baby Will Hit Chicken Pox8. Rubella or German Smallpox9. Vulnerable Infants exposed to measles10. Pneumonia

Subject to the above explanation please his father and mother can find information on google.Examples of some of the deadliest diseases in the above can be used as food for thought for the immediate immunization complement our baby. Dispose of old-fashioned thought because of adverse effects after immunization because it is a process that must be passed to the baby's body immune enhancement. Be sure to vaccine administration is a vaccine that is really good is not Vaccine False. May be useful.



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