Is it safe for babies to drink coffee ...? Watch for these 5 side effects!

A cup of coffee sounds perfect to start the day so that it makes you more energized. However, what if coffee is given to babies? Is it safe if the baby drinks coffee and are there any side effects for growth and development?

Baby drink coffee, can I?

With so many coffee shops sprouting everywhere, maybe parents have been tempted to let their children taste the delicacy of coffee. Recent studies even mention as many as 15% of children in Boston, United States are accustomed to drinking up to four cups of coffee every day because of the culture that is ingrained there.

However, health experts say, babies should never drink coffee. The caffeine contained in it risks causing negative effects for children in the future.

Research has proven that children who drink coffee and other caffeinated drinks since the age of 2 years are more prone to obesity and depression.

Caffeinated drinks will make children addicted to sweet foods, so the risk of making weight increases. Meanwhile, this habit also affects the quality of sleep so that it can make children prone to depression.

Babies drink coffee, be aware of the dangers!
Infants and children still need essential nutrients for development such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Coffee does not distribute enough vitamins and minerals, but it also inhibits the absorption of iron so that the risk of causing the following series of negative impacts.

1. Difficulty sleeping
Is it safe for babies to drink coffee? Watch out, watch for these 5 side effects!

Drinking coffee which is increasingly entrenched makes many children drink coffee from tasting their parents' drinks. However, this can make your child difficult to sleep, especially at night.

In addition, coffee contains five times more caffeine than soda, so it would be better if the baby is not given coffee first.

2. Tooth decay
It tastes delicious, but it is important to know that coffee also has acidic properties that can cause damage to teeth.

If the child has been accustomed to drinking coffee since childhood, it will erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of toothache. If the tooth layer is weak, infants and children need longer repair to form a new layer

3. Decreased appetite
Coffee is a stimulant which in fact can make your appetite decrease, while children in their growth and development certainly need essential nutrients. Protein, wheat, fruits and vegetables are needed more than coffee.

4. Bone damage
If you are tempted to give baby a little coffee, you should think about it first. Coffee is a diuretic in which it increases urine production.

In children, increased urine can cause calcium deficiency and if left unchecked will cause damage to the bones. For 100 mg of caffeine that enters the body, the child has lost 6 mg of calcium in the body.

5. Make children hyperactive
It might make children curious, but coffee is also effective in causing behavioral problems in your child, including hyperactive tendencies and the child will have difficulty concentrating.

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This will certainly have an impact when the child has entered school age, especially when he is required to pay attention to the teacher and follow instructions at school. Did not even rule out the possibility of these side effects will continue on cognitive abilities and achievements in school.

With a variety of negative effects, it would be nice if Mother refrained from giving coffee to children. Then, how many recommendations for an ideal baby to drink coffee?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of 12 should not drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks. As for children over 12 years, intake of caffeine should not exceed 85-100 mg per day.

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