The reason why toddlers often hold their genitals

The reason why toddlers often hold their genitals. Is it in the near future? You as a parent often see your child has a habit of touching his genitals. You do not panic, the following causes behind the fondness of toddlers holding their genitals. This is the explanation, Moms.

Child sexual development can begin in the first year of their age. Toddlers develop sexual basics in various ways, one of which is holding the genitals. The action of holding the penis is a form of curiosity about his organs. He sometimes does not just hold but squeezes and pulls his penis, so it seems he is playing with the penis. To overcome this, Moms needs to remind the names and functions of their organs simply, including how to treat them properly.

Itching The little one is seen holding the penis, even though he is scratching or relieving itching in the area around his genitals. You need to pay more attention to the details of your baby's penis, who knows there really is something happening to his penis that causes itching to appear. Or there are other factors that can cause the penis to itch, such as the penis is not clean, use diapers too long or too moist. If you are in doubt about the condition of the Little One's penis, but he still feels itchy, you should immediately consult a pediatrician.

Pain in the area of his genitals The habit of the little one holding the penis can also occur due to health problems, such as cuts/abrasions or abnormalities - one of which is testicular hydrocele which is generally known from birth. It is important for you to pay attention and compare the condition of the Little One's penis so that if there is an abnormality or injury due to scratched nails or other objects can be known immediately. If you find a different form of penis or testicles, you should immediately bring your child to the doctor. 

Hold pee
Certain situations sometimes make the Little One reluctant to urinate, even though he already uses diapers. The situation of holding back urination can also stimulate your child to hold his penis. Or after the little one pees in his pants/diapers, not a few children who immediately hold on to his penis. It seems like he wanted to give a sign to his parents that he had or had just urinated.

Thus information that can get info-Azzam share for you related to activities that occur in your child. Hopefully it is useful and can be good information to help monitor the child's growth process. 



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