Easy Tips for Overcoming Angry Children

Easy Tips for Overcoming Angry Children. Anger is one form of emotion that results from a sense of disappointment, dissatisfaction with something. Or not pleased with something because of that. The resulting reaction is characterized by an increase in heart rate, elevated sound, uncontrolled movements and behavior. Can interfere with people around him or himself. In everyday life, there are many things that can make children cry and get angry because they have not been able to express their desires well to adults. For example, when children are angry because they don't get the toys they want, when their toys are borrowed by friends when parents pick up school late, get angry when their food is not their favorite when they are asked to help their parents while playing cool. old, but we still have to meet angry children by being calm.

Tips for dealing with children who are easily angry

Ask the reason and listen to your child

Every emotional reaction caused by a child must have a specific cause or reason. So, ask why is the child angry in a calm voice. Then listen to the reasons given by the child so that it makes him angry. Look at his eyes, hold his tiny hand so that the child feels himself pay attention and feel valued by parents.

Teach Children to Control Their Emotions
Teach children when they are emotional always by taking a deep breath and calm the heart with silence. When a child manages to calm himself, then entertain and provide reinforcement to the child in the form of praise. Give an explanation in a language that is simple and easy to understand by children, do not consider children like the way adults face a problem.

Be Firm and Wise
When we face a child who is angry, be firm with the rules that have been agreed upon between the child and the parents. The firm does not mean being harsh towards the child, but the firm attitude applied by the parents will make the child understand the attitude expected by parents towards him.

Distributing Children's Energy Through Positive Activities
Spend time with your child. Children have abundant energy. They like to play, run, jump, scream and do other physical activities. So it is very important for us to be able to channel the child's energy by doing useful activities. Like, inviting children to do physical activities, such as playing ball together, cycling, swimming, or just walking around in the playground and doing a hobby. By doing physical activities together, children will feel cared for and formed attachments between children and parents. In addition, children those who actively engage in positive physical activity have no time to shout out angrily because their energy has been used by positive activities.

Child growth is his initial personal foundation, if the handling of children's emotions is not right, or cannot be constrained and allowed, the child's soul will always be as a person who has revenge and always blames the people around him. Be a wise parent and can be modeled on managing emotions.



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